Modern Teaching Handbook

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Quick Tips for Connecting with Educators on Social Platforms

Quick Tips for Connecting with Educators on Social Platforms

Quick Tips for Connecting with Educators on Social Platforms

Milo owner of Notion for Teachers
Milo owner of Notion for Teachers

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ESL Content Coordinator & Educator

ESL Content Coordinator & Educator

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In the evolving landscape of education, a strong Professional Learning Network (PLN) has become essential for educators looking to grow and thrive in their profession. A PLN, especially when bolstered by social media, opens doors to a wealth of resources, collaborations, and support systems. For the modern educator, understanding the nuances of social media to cultivate a robust PLN is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity for professional development. This guide presents actionable strategies to build and engage with a vibrant PLN on social media, catering to the ever-growing community of passionate educators.

In the evolving landscape of education, a strong Professional Learning Network (PLN) has become essential for educators looking to grow and thrive in their profession. A PLN, especially when bolstered by social media, opens doors to a wealth of resources, collaborations, and support systems. For the modern educator, understanding the nuances of social media to cultivate a robust PLN is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity for professional development. This guide presents actionable strategies to build and engage with a vibrant PLN on social media, catering to the ever-growing community of passionate educators.

Modern Teaching Handbook

Master modern education with the all-in-one resource for educators. Get your free copy now!

Modern Teaching Handbook

Master modern education with the all-in-one resource for educators. Get your free copy now!

Modern Teaching Handbook

Master modern education with the all-in-one resource for educators. Get your free copy now!

Table of Contents

Strategies for Building and Engaging with a Professional Learning Network on Social Media

In a time characterized by rapid transformation, educators are challenged to keep pace with new methods, technologies, and pedagogical approaches. A Professional Learning Network (PLN) is a lifeline in this scenario, offering a web of connections that provide continuous learning and support. Social media, with its expansive reach and varied tools, provides the ideal platform to construct and engage with these networks.

Understanding the Power of a PLN

A PLN is a group of professionals that an individual fosters and maintains, both in-person and through online platforms. It serves as an ongoing learning structure, a source of diverse perspectives, and a forum for sharing knowledge and resources.

Benefits of a PLN on Social Media

Solely relying on traditional professional development methods can limit the breadth and immediacy of resources available. Social media extends these limitations, enabling educators to tap into a worldwide community of peers, thought leaders, and innovators.

Choosing the Right Platforms: Quality Over Quantity

The first step in leveraging social media for professional networking is to select the platforms that align with your objectives and preferences.

Overview of Popular Social Media Platforms for Educators

Several social media platforms cater specifically to educators, each with its own set of features and functionalities.

  • Twitter: Fast-paced conversations for real-time engagement.

  • Facebook: Groups and live events for deeper, threaded discussions.

  • LinkedIn: Professional setting for career and leadership networking in education.

  • Instagram and Pinterest: Visual-rich spaces for curating and sharing resources and ideas.

Considerations for Selecting the Most Suitable Platforms

When choosing where to build your PLN, consider your comfort level with the platform's interface and its usage within the education community. Additionally, weigh the type of content and the depth of interactions you seek. A platform's culture and the intensity of your desired engagement (from occasional lurking to active participation) are critical considerations as well.

Connecting with Fellow Educators: The Foundation of Your PLN

Building a PLN requires meaningful connections with other professionals. Social media offers tools that can help you find and connect with like-minded peers.

Utilizing Hashtags and Groups to Find Your Tribe

Hashtags serve as signposts, directing you to conversations related to specific topics or events. Explore education-related hashtags like #EdChat, #TeachSDGs, or #STEMedu to join conversations. Additionally, social media groups, especially on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, provide a gathering place for educators with shared interests. Join these groups to engage in focused discussions and events.

Engaging in Discussions and Collaborations

Participation is key to reaping the full benefits of your PLN. Share your insights, ask questions, and join collaborative projects. Always approach interactions with a spirit of generosity, offering to help, share resources, or provide support whenever possible. These interactions can lead to deeper, more personal connections that enhance your professional learning journey.

Participating in Online Discussions and Chats: Deepening Your Involvement

Once you've identified the platforms and initial connections, it's time to take part in more structured discussions and events to further enrich your PLN.

Joining Twitter Chats and Facebook Groups

Twitter chats are organized around a scheduled time and a dedicated hashtag, creating a virtual space for concentrated discussion. Join chats relevant to your areas of interest and expertise to meet new connections and exchange knowledge. Similarly, Facebook groups often host live events, webinars, or discussion threads that you can engage with to expand your network.

Sharing Ideas, Resources, and Best Practices

Use these opportunities to share your experiences, pose challenges you're facing in the classroom, and exchange tips and resources with fellow educators. Directly through the platform or by linking to your own blog, podcast, or video content, you can contribute to the collective intelligence of your PLN.

Curating and Sharing Content: Becoming a Value-Added Member

By curating and sharing high-quality content, you augment the value of your PLN and position yourself as an authority in your field.

Identifying and Curating Valuable Content

Stay attuned to the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. Curate the content that resonates with you and that you believe will benefit your network. This can include articles, lesson plans, videos, infographics, or podcasts.

Sharing Content to Contribute to the Community and Establish Expertise

Put your content out into the world with the intent to educate and inspire. Craft informative captions, ask for feedback, and encourage dialogue around the content you share. This approach not only contributes to the community but also showcases your expertise and commitment to the field.

Nurturing Relationships: Engaging and Supporting Your PLN

The strength of a PLN lies in the relationships you foster within it. Actively engage with your network to create mutual support systems.

Engaging with Other Educators' Content

Take the time to read, watch, or listen to the content your peers share. Like, comment, and reshare to show your appreciation and contribute to the amplification of their voices and ideas.

Providing Feedback and Support

Be a source of constructive feedback and encouragement. If a colleague posts about a challenge, offer your perspective or share your own similar experience. Likewise, if you're seeking advice or input, feel comfortable reaching out to members of your PLN for support.

Collaborating on Projects or Initiatives

One of the most rewarding aspects of a PLN is the potential for collaboration. Propose joint projects, such as co-authoring an article, creating a resource, or presenting at a conference. These collaborations can lead to deeper connections and professional growth.

Managing Time and Boundaries: Ensuring Sustainability

While the benefits of a PLN are abundant, it's crucial to manage your involvement effectively to prevent burnout and maintain a work-life balance.

Strategies for Balancing Networking with Other Responsibilities

Designate specific times for engaging with your PLN, such as during a daily or weekly "Twitter power hour" or in between classes. Setting limits on how much time you spend on social media for professional purposes is important. Remember that the goal is not to be everywhere, all the time, but to make meaningful connections and contributions.

Maintaining Professionalism and Ethical Conduct

As an educator, you represent your school, your district, and the profession as a whole. Always maintain a professional demeanor in your interactions online. Avoid controversial topics that do not relate to education, and be wary of oversharing personal information or representing yourself in a way that could reflect poorly on your institution or community.

Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-being

Recognize that social media can be overwhelming. Be mindful of your mental health and well-being. Take breaks from social media when needed, and be prepared to step back from your PLN if it becomes too time-consuming or taxing. Use social media as a tool for growth and connection, not as an obligation.

By implementing these strategies, educators can harness the power of social media to build and engage with a professional learning network that is rich, supportive, and enduring. As you navigate the digital realm, remember that the heart of your network is the people within it. Cultivate these relationships with care, and you'll find that your PLN can be a constant source of learning, inspiration, and professional fulfillment.

Tips for Social Media Etiquette and Digital Citizenship for Teachers

In a world increasingly connected through digital channels, social media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and community interaction. As educators, the use of social media comes with a unique set of responsibilities. From maintaining a professional image to upholding privacy standards, teachers must navigate these online platforms with care. This listicle provides 10 essential tips for teachers looking to enhance their social media etiquette and digital citizenship.

1. Set Privacy Settings

As an educator, you might want to share aspects of your personal life with friends and family on social media, while still maintaining a level of privacy. To achieve this balance, it's crucial to understand and adjust privacy settings.

Understand Platform Features

Different platforms offer various privacy settings that allow you to control who sees your content. Familiarize yourself with these options, including friend lists, follower restrictions, and post visibility settings.

Regular Audits

Periodically review and update your privacy settings to ensure they align with your current comfort level. New features and changes in platforms may affect your existing settings, so it's essential to conduct audits regularly.

2. Differentiate Personal and Professional Use

The line between personal and professional life on social media can become blurred. Here’s how to draw a clear distinction.

Create Separate Accounts

Consider maintaining separate accounts for personal and professional use. This approach minimizes the risk of mixing the two and ensures your professional social media presence remains focused on education-related content.

Professional Standards

When using social media professionally, adhere to the same high standards you would expect in the classroom. Avoid controversial topics and offensive language, and always keep in mind that your online presence is an extension of your professional identity.

3. Maintain a Positive Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint, the trail of data you leave online, is permanent. Proactive steps can help ensure this record reflects positively on you as a teacher.

Show Authenticity

Embrace authenticity and share your successes, challenges, and learning experiences. Authenticity builds trust and connections with your students, their parents, and the broader community.

Highlight Educational Content

Craft your online image to focus on educational posts that demonstrate your passion for teaching. Share articles, lesson ideas, and student achievements to showcase your role as an educator.

4. Think Before You Post

The adage "think before you speak" is especially pertinent in the realm of social media. Always consider the potential ramifications of your posts.

Professional Implications

A social media post, once live, can be challenging to remove completely. Be mindful of the content you share, as it could impact your employment and professional reputation.

Role Model for Students

You are a role model for your students, even online. Demonstrate responsible social media behavior to guide and influence the digital choices they will make themselves.

5. Respect Confidentiality and Privacy

Respecting the boundaries of confidentiality and privacy is essential for building trust and maintaining professional standards.

Student Information

Never share identifiable information about students on social media. This practice is not only unethical but also illegal in many jurisdictions. Protect their privacy and well-being.

Professional Conversations

If you discuss work-related matters online, do so in a manner that maintains the confidentiality of student data and respects the privacy of colleagues. Always consider how information might be perceived outside its initial context.

6. Engage in Constructive Discussion

Social media can facilitate meaningful discussions when used appropriately. Ensure your contributions add value and promote critical thinking.

Stay Informed

Engage with current issues and developments in education, but do so from an informed perspective. Research topics before participating in discussions to ensure your input is accurate.

Promote Learning

Use your social media presence to encourage thought and discussion. Your contributions should aim to enrich the educational community and contribute to a culture of learning.

7. Be Mindful of Copyright Infringement

Respect intellectual property rights and avoid using copyrighted material without permission.

Share Responsibly

When sharing content, ensure you have the right to do so. Cite sources and respect licensing agreements to avoid copyright violations.

Model Integrity

By demonstrating proper citing and sharing practices, you can instill these values in your students. Model integrity in all your online activities and teach your students to do the same.

8. Encourage Digital Empathy

The internet can be a harsh environment, so it’s important to promote understanding and empathy among your students and peers.

Teach Online Etiquette

Incorporate digital citizenship lessons in your curriculum to teach appropriate online behavior. Discuss the consequences of online actions and the importance of empathy in digital interactions.

Address Cyberbullying

Take a firm stance against cyberbullying. Educate your students about the impact of their words and the hurt that can be caused. Encourage them to stand up for each other and report any instances they encounter.

9. Model Good Behavior

Your actions on social media set an example for your students and colleagues. Lead by demonstrating the online behavior you expect from them.

Uphold Community Standards

Follow the guidelines and expectations set forth by your educational community. Your adherence to these standards will be noticed and replicated by others.

Mentor Students

Use your social media interactions as opportunities to mentor students in their own online journeys. Provide guidance on digital citizenship and model the behavior you wish to see in them.

10. Stay Updated on Digital Trends and Policies

The landscape of social media is constantly evolving, with new platforms and regulations emerging. Stay informed to ensure you remain a competent and responsible digital citizen.

Continuous Learning

Engage in ongoing professional development to stay current with digital trends and best practices in social media usage.

Policy Awareness

Understand and adhere to any social media policies put in place by your school district. Knowledge of these regulations will help you navigate the online world with confidence and care.

By heeding these 10 tips, teachers can help to shape a digital world that is informed, safe, and respectful. The impact of your actions online can be just as profound as those in the classroom. Therefore, it’s essential to approach social media with intentional, thoughtful behavior that reflects the high standards of the educator profession.

Ways Teachers Can Effectively Use Social Media for Education

In the fast-evolving landscape of education, social media platforms have become more than just a way to connect and share personal updates. For teachers, these online spaces offer a treasure trove of educational resources, a community for professional development, and a means to stay on top of the latest trends in pedagogy. Engaging on social media is no longer a luxury but a crucial component of a well-rounded teaching experience.

Navigating the digital waters can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to using social media for educational purposes. This listicle equips you with ten effective ways to harness the power of social platforms to enhance your teaching practice.

1. Join Education-focused Groups and Communities

Social networks are a vast forest where grouping together makes for a smarter, more engaging experience. Educational groups and communities within platforms like Facebook, Slack, and LinkedIn can provide you with a supportive environment to share, learn, network, and find resources.

Benefits of Online Communities

  • Immediate access to a pool of knowledge and experiences

  • Space for collaboration and problem-solving

  • Opportunities to expand your professional network

Examples of Popular Education Communities

  • Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT)

  • This online marketplace and platform is not only a resource for finding educational materials; it's also a community where educators interact, collaborate, and share ideas.

  • #EdChat on Twitter

  • A strong, global community of educators who come together each week to discuss important topics in education.

Joining these communities is like adding a team to your teaching arsenal – a team that's always engaged, always ready to help, and always looking to improve the education experience.

2. Follow Education Influencers and Thought Leaders

In a landscape characterized by its vastness, thought leaders act as guiding stars in the sky, leading you to the most meaningful educational content.

Importance of Following Influential Educators

  • You'll keep abreast of cutting-edge educational methods and theories.

  • Influencers often catalyze conversations and actions in the education arena, being among the first to introduce or discuss new trends and policies.

Recommendations for Popular Educators to Follow

  • Sir Ken Robinson

  • Renowned for his advocacy of creativity in the classroom and changing paradigms in education.

  • George Couros

  • An expert on innovative teaching, learning, and technology practices.

Following thought leaders not only opens your mind to fresh ideas but also connects you to movements that seek to reshape the way we educate the next generation.

3. Participate in Twitter Chats and Hashtag Discussions

Twitter is a beehive of activity, with its chats and hashtags acting as the honeycomb – structured but buzzing with lively conversation.

Exploring Twitter Chats and Hashtags

  • Twitter chats are scheduled live discussions on Twitter that provide opportunities for real-time learning and networking.

  • Hashtags aggregate tweets under the same topic, providing a search-friendly way to follow current discussions and trends.

Popular Education-related Twitter Chats and Hashtags

  • #EdChat

  • A general education discussion taking place on various days throughout the week.

  • #ELAChat

  • Focused on the topics of English Language Arts and Literacy.

Participating in these chats not only introduces you to a wider educational dialogue but also connects you with educators who are addressing issues you face in your own practice.

4. Utilize Pinterest for Classroom Ideas and Resources

Pinterest is the fertile ground where images and ideas are the seeds that grow into the colorful garden of classroom resources.

Benefits of Using Pinterest for Teachers

  • Its visual format aids quick inspiration and reference.

  • You can curate personal 'boards' for different subjects and topics, keeping resources organized and easy to find.

Tips for Finding and Saving Classroom Ideas and Resources on Pinterest

  • Use specific search terms and filters to find resources tailored to your needs.

  • Regularly update and maintain your boards for a current and organized library of educational ideas.

By utilizing Pinterest, you turn your teaching resources into a personalized, evergreen pinboard that constantly inspires and supports your classroom endeavors.

5. Engage with Educational Blogs and Podcasts

Blogs and podcasts are the silent partners in your teaching journey, whispering insights and strategies into your ears that can sometimes prove to be the loudest resources in the room.

Importance of Staying Current with Educational Content

  • You stay updated on the latest research and trends in education.

  • Reading blogs and listening to podcasts can energize and encourage you by offering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Recommendations for Popular Educational Blogs and Podcasts

  • The Cult of Pedagogy

  • A blog and podcast by Jennifer Gonzalez, focusing on modern teaching practices.

  • Educational Leadership from ASCD

  • A thoughtful blog on the latest trends in educational leadership and professional development.

Engaging with educational blogs and podcasts is a rich investment in your professional growth, offering a multi-dimensional view of contemporary pedagogy.

6. Connect with Other Educators Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn acts as a grand enclave of professionals, where educators can assemble to share knowledge, advance in their careers, and create meaningful alliances.

Advantages of Networking with Other Educators on LinkedIn

  • You can find and share professional development opportunities and resources.

  • Industry leaders and experts maintain a strong presence on the platform, providing you with direct access to their insights and knowledge.

Tips for Building a Professional Network on LinkedIn

  • Be active in educational groups and discussions to enhance your visibility and value in the community.

  • Personalize your connection requests to establish a genuine network of professional peers.

LinkedIn is like a staff room for the 21st century educator, where new connections can lead to partnerships, mentorships, and a wealth of shared knowledge.

7. Join Facebook Groups for Teachers

Facebook groups for teachers are the modern equivalent of the school staff room, bustling with professional chat and resource sharing.

Benefits of Joining Teacher-focused Facebook Groups

  • Access a wide array of teacher experiences and advice, which can often be more personalized to your context than general articles or blogs.

  • Regularly updated resources, activities, and news mean you're always in-the-know and well-supplied.

Examples of Popular Facebook Groups for Teachers

  • Teachers of Tomorrow

  • Focused on supporting the teaching community with resources, advice, and discussions about the future of education.

  • Virtual Learning - Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, Zoom, and More

  • A group dedicated to helping teachers navigate the virtual education landscape.

Join these groups to turn the virtual space of your social media account into a real-time resource center staffed by your peers.

8. Use Instagram for Visual Inspiration and Classroom Management

Instagram is the art gallery of the education world, showcasing the visual wonders and innovations of teaching.

Ways to Use Instagram for Finding Visual Inspiration for Teaching

  • Follow educational accounts that focus on classroom setup, students' work, and lesson ideas.

  • Use Instagram Stories and highlights to organize teaching tips, resources, and highlights from your own teaching journey.

Tips for Using Instagram for Classroom Management

  • Share successes and challenges with your followers to foster an interactive learning environment.

  • Incorporate popular educational hashtags to increase the visibility and reach of your classroom management ideas.

By using Instagram, you turn your classroom tasks into visually engaging stories that not only document your journey but also invite others to learn from and contribute to the educational narrative.

9. Stay Ahead with the Latest Educational Videos on YouTube

YouTube is the academy of the 21st century, where myriad educational channels offer seminars, lessons, and insights at the click of a play button.

Benefits of Watching Educational Content on YouTube

  • Video is often a more engaging and memorable medium for students and teachers alike.

  • Topic explainer videos or demos can be particularly useful for professional development and lesson planning.

Examples of Educational YouTube Channels

  • TED-Ed

  • A platform with a diverse range of educational videos that can stimulate new perspectives and ideas.

  • Crash Course

  • Provides superb overviews of complex subjects, ideal for both teacher education and student understanding.

Engaging with educational YouTube content is like adding a digital library into the annals of your classroom space, with each video serving as a living, breathing tome of knowledge waiting to be opened and explored.

10. Create and Share Your Educational Story on TikTok

TikTok is the global classroom where educators can showcase their work, explore innovative ideas, and create an educational ripple that transcends borders.

The Impact of Sharing on TikTok

  • Increase the visibility of creative teaching and engage with students in a medium they are comfortable with.

  • Teachers can showcase quick, engaging snippets of educational content that are sharable and can even go viral.

Tips for Creating Educational Content on TikTok

  • Keep it short, sweet, and to the point while still providing value and insight.

  • Use trending formats to add an entertaining twist to your educational narrative.

Starting a TikTok account could be the beginning of a new, innovative chapter in your teaching practice. And as with all things in education, it's not just about what you learn or create; it's also about the stories you share with your community.


Embracing social media as a tool for educational enhancement can be a formidable leap out of the traditional teaching box. But in doing so, you open the door to a world of possibilities that can enrich your teaching practice and inspire your students. It's about connecting, collaborating, and continuously learning – the very essence of what education is all about.

Additional Resources


  1. How Teachers Can Use Twitter for Professional Development: Learn how to connect with educators globally, share ideas, and access resources on this fast-paced platform.

  2. 5 Ways Instagram Can Supercharge Your Teaching Practice: Discover tips for building classroom communities, sharing student work, and finding inspiration for creative lessons through Instagram.

  3. TeacherTube: A YouTube Alternative for Educators: Explore this safe and curated video platform specifically designed for teachers, filled with lesson ideas, professional development sessions, and classroom inspiration.

Blog Posts

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Using Social Media for Teachers: This comprehensive guide covers everything from choosing the right platforms to creating engaging content and maintaining professionalism.

  2. Building Your PLN: Essential Social Media Communities for Educators: Discover inspiring hashtags, follow key educational influencers, and join valuable online communities to expand your professional network.

  3. From Hashtags to Hacks: 10 Creative Ways Teachers Can Use TikTok: Learn how to leverage the power of short-form videos to share teaching tips, showcase student work, and connect with a wider audience on TikTok.

Web Tools/Resources

  1. Edmodo: Create your own secure online learning community where you can share resources, hold discussions, and collaborate with other educators.

  2. Flipboard: Curate educational content from various sources like blogs, news articles, and social media into personalized online magazines for yourself or to share with students.

  3. Nearpod: Add interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and collaborative activities to your presentations and video lessons, making them more engaging for both you and your students.

Strategies for Building and Engaging with a Professional Learning Network on Social Media

In a time characterized by rapid transformation, educators are challenged to keep pace with new methods, technologies, and pedagogical approaches. A Professional Learning Network (PLN) is a lifeline in this scenario, offering a web of connections that provide continuous learning and support. Social media, with its expansive reach and varied tools, provides the ideal platform to construct and engage with these networks.

Understanding the Power of a PLN

A PLN is a group of professionals that an individual fosters and maintains, both in-person and through online platforms. It serves as an ongoing learning structure, a source of diverse perspectives, and a forum for sharing knowledge and resources.

Benefits of a PLN on Social Media

Solely relying on traditional professional development methods can limit the breadth and immediacy of resources available. Social media extends these limitations, enabling educators to tap into a worldwide community of peers, thought leaders, and innovators.

Choosing the Right Platforms: Quality Over Quantity

The first step in leveraging social media for professional networking is to select the platforms that align with your objectives and preferences.

Overview of Popular Social Media Platforms for Educators

Several social media platforms cater specifically to educators, each with its own set of features and functionalities.

  • Twitter: Fast-paced conversations for real-time engagement.

  • Facebook: Groups and live events for deeper, threaded discussions.

  • LinkedIn: Professional setting for career and leadership networking in education.

  • Instagram and Pinterest: Visual-rich spaces for curating and sharing resources and ideas.

Considerations for Selecting the Most Suitable Platforms

When choosing where to build your PLN, consider your comfort level with the platform's interface and its usage within the education community. Additionally, weigh the type of content and the depth of interactions you seek. A platform's culture and the intensity of your desired engagement (from occasional lurking to active participation) are critical considerations as well.

Connecting with Fellow Educators: The Foundation of Your PLN

Building a PLN requires meaningful connections with other professionals. Social media offers tools that can help you find and connect with like-minded peers.

Utilizing Hashtags and Groups to Find Your Tribe

Hashtags serve as signposts, directing you to conversations related to specific topics or events. Explore education-related hashtags like #EdChat, #TeachSDGs, or #STEMedu to join conversations. Additionally, social media groups, especially on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, provide a gathering place for educators with shared interests. Join these groups to engage in focused discussions and events.

Engaging in Discussions and Collaborations

Participation is key to reaping the full benefits of your PLN. Share your insights, ask questions, and join collaborative projects. Always approach interactions with a spirit of generosity, offering to help, share resources, or provide support whenever possible. These interactions can lead to deeper, more personal connections that enhance your professional learning journey.

Participating in Online Discussions and Chats: Deepening Your Involvement

Once you've identified the platforms and initial connections, it's time to take part in more structured discussions and events to further enrich your PLN.

Joining Twitter Chats and Facebook Groups

Twitter chats are organized around a scheduled time and a dedicated hashtag, creating a virtual space for concentrated discussion. Join chats relevant to your areas of interest and expertise to meet new connections and exchange knowledge. Similarly, Facebook groups often host live events, webinars, or discussion threads that you can engage with to expand your network.

Sharing Ideas, Resources, and Best Practices

Use these opportunities to share your experiences, pose challenges you're facing in the classroom, and exchange tips and resources with fellow educators. Directly through the platform or by linking to your own blog, podcast, or video content, you can contribute to the collective intelligence of your PLN.

Curating and Sharing Content: Becoming a Value-Added Member

By curating and sharing high-quality content, you augment the value of your PLN and position yourself as an authority in your field.

Identifying and Curating Valuable Content

Stay attuned to the latest trends, research, and best practices in education. Curate the content that resonates with you and that you believe will benefit your network. This can include articles, lesson plans, videos, infographics, or podcasts.

Sharing Content to Contribute to the Community and Establish Expertise

Put your content out into the world with the intent to educate and inspire. Craft informative captions, ask for feedback, and encourage dialogue around the content you share. This approach not only contributes to the community but also showcases your expertise and commitment to the field.

Nurturing Relationships: Engaging and Supporting Your PLN

The strength of a PLN lies in the relationships you foster within it. Actively engage with your network to create mutual support systems.

Engaging with Other Educators' Content

Take the time to read, watch, or listen to the content your peers share. Like, comment, and reshare to show your appreciation and contribute to the amplification of their voices and ideas.

Providing Feedback and Support

Be a source of constructive feedback and encouragement. If a colleague posts about a challenge, offer your perspective or share your own similar experience. Likewise, if you're seeking advice or input, feel comfortable reaching out to members of your PLN for support.

Collaborating on Projects or Initiatives

One of the most rewarding aspects of a PLN is the potential for collaboration. Propose joint projects, such as co-authoring an article, creating a resource, or presenting at a conference. These collaborations can lead to deeper connections and professional growth.

Managing Time and Boundaries: Ensuring Sustainability

While the benefits of a PLN are abundant, it's crucial to manage your involvement effectively to prevent burnout and maintain a work-life balance.

Strategies for Balancing Networking with Other Responsibilities

Designate specific times for engaging with your PLN, such as during a daily or weekly "Twitter power hour" or in between classes. Setting limits on how much time you spend on social media for professional purposes is important. Remember that the goal is not to be everywhere, all the time, but to make meaningful connections and contributions.

Maintaining Professionalism and Ethical Conduct

As an educator, you represent your school, your district, and the profession as a whole. Always maintain a professional demeanor in your interactions online. Avoid controversial topics that do not relate to education, and be wary of oversharing personal information or representing yourself in a way that could reflect poorly on your institution or community.

Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-being

Recognize that social media can be overwhelming. Be mindful of your mental health and well-being. Take breaks from social media when needed, and be prepared to step back from your PLN if it becomes too time-consuming or taxing. Use social media as a tool for growth and connection, not as an obligation.

By implementing these strategies, educators can harness the power of social media to build and engage with a professional learning network that is rich, supportive, and enduring. As you navigate the digital realm, remember that the heart of your network is the people within it. Cultivate these relationships with care, and you'll find that your PLN can be a constant source of learning, inspiration, and professional fulfillment.

Tips for Social Media Etiquette and Digital Citizenship for Teachers

In a world increasingly connected through digital channels, social media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and community interaction. As educators, the use of social media comes with a unique set of responsibilities. From maintaining a professional image to upholding privacy standards, teachers must navigate these online platforms with care. This listicle provides 10 essential tips for teachers looking to enhance their social media etiquette and digital citizenship.

1. Set Privacy Settings

As an educator, you might want to share aspects of your personal life with friends and family on social media, while still maintaining a level of privacy. To achieve this balance, it's crucial to understand and adjust privacy settings.

Understand Platform Features

Different platforms offer various privacy settings that allow you to control who sees your content. Familiarize yourself with these options, including friend lists, follower restrictions, and post visibility settings.

Regular Audits

Periodically review and update your privacy settings to ensure they align with your current comfort level. New features and changes in platforms may affect your existing settings, so it's essential to conduct audits regularly.

2. Differentiate Personal and Professional Use

The line between personal and professional life on social media can become blurred. Here’s how to draw a clear distinction.

Create Separate Accounts

Consider maintaining separate accounts for personal and professional use. This approach minimizes the risk of mixing the two and ensures your professional social media presence remains focused on education-related content.

Professional Standards

When using social media professionally, adhere to the same high standards you would expect in the classroom. Avoid controversial topics and offensive language, and always keep in mind that your online presence is an extension of your professional identity.

3. Maintain a Positive Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint, the trail of data you leave online, is permanent. Proactive steps can help ensure this record reflects positively on you as a teacher.

Show Authenticity

Embrace authenticity and share your successes, challenges, and learning experiences. Authenticity builds trust and connections with your students, their parents, and the broader community.

Highlight Educational Content

Craft your online image to focus on educational posts that demonstrate your passion for teaching. Share articles, lesson ideas, and student achievements to showcase your role as an educator.

4. Think Before You Post

The adage "think before you speak" is especially pertinent in the realm of social media. Always consider the potential ramifications of your posts.

Professional Implications

A social media post, once live, can be challenging to remove completely. Be mindful of the content you share, as it could impact your employment and professional reputation.

Role Model for Students

You are a role model for your students, even online. Demonstrate responsible social media behavior to guide and influence the digital choices they will make themselves.

5. Respect Confidentiality and Privacy

Respecting the boundaries of confidentiality and privacy is essential for building trust and maintaining professional standards.

Student Information

Never share identifiable information about students on social media. This practice is not only unethical but also illegal in many jurisdictions. Protect their privacy and well-being.

Professional Conversations

If you discuss work-related matters online, do so in a manner that maintains the confidentiality of student data and respects the privacy of colleagues. Always consider how information might be perceived outside its initial context.

6. Engage in Constructive Discussion

Social media can facilitate meaningful discussions when used appropriately. Ensure your contributions add value and promote critical thinking.

Stay Informed

Engage with current issues and developments in education, but do so from an informed perspective. Research topics before participating in discussions to ensure your input is accurate.

Promote Learning

Use your social media presence to encourage thought and discussion. Your contributions should aim to enrich the educational community and contribute to a culture of learning.

7. Be Mindful of Copyright Infringement

Respect intellectual property rights and avoid using copyrighted material without permission.

Share Responsibly

When sharing content, ensure you have the right to do so. Cite sources and respect licensing agreements to avoid copyright violations.

Model Integrity

By demonstrating proper citing and sharing practices, you can instill these values in your students. Model integrity in all your online activities and teach your students to do the same.

8. Encourage Digital Empathy

The internet can be a harsh environment, so it’s important to promote understanding and empathy among your students and peers.

Teach Online Etiquette

Incorporate digital citizenship lessons in your curriculum to teach appropriate online behavior. Discuss the consequences of online actions and the importance of empathy in digital interactions.

Address Cyberbullying

Take a firm stance against cyberbullying. Educate your students about the impact of their words and the hurt that can be caused. Encourage them to stand up for each other and report any instances they encounter.

9. Model Good Behavior

Your actions on social media set an example for your students and colleagues. Lead by demonstrating the online behavior you expect from them.

Uphold Community Standards

Follow the guidelines and expectations set forth by your educational community. Your adherence to these standards will be noticed and replicated by others.

Mentor Students

Use your social media interactions as opportunities to mentor students in their own online journeys. Provide guidance on digital citizenship and model the behavior you wish to see in them.

10. Stay Updated on Digital Trends and Policies

The landscape of social media is constantly evolving, with new platforms and regulations emerging. Stay informed to ensure you remain a competent and responsible digital citizen.

Continuous Learning

Engage in ongoing professional development to stay current with digital trends and best practices in social media usage.

Policy Awareness

Understand and adhere to any social media policies put in place by your school district. Knowledge of these regulations will help you navigate the online world with confidence and care.

By heeding these 10 tips, teachers can help to shape a digital world that is informed, safe, and respectful. The impact of your actions online can be just as profound as those in the classroom. Therefore, it’s essential to approach social media with intentional, thoughtful behavior that reflects the high standards of the educator profession.

Ways Teachers Can Effectively Use Social Media for Education

In the fast-evolving landscape of education, social media platforms have become more than just a way to connect and share personal updates. For teachers, these online spaces offer a treasure trove of educational resources, a community for professional development, and a means to stay on top of the latest trends in pedagogy. Engaging on social media is no longer a luxury but a crucial component of a well-rounded teaching experience.

Navigating the digital waters can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to using social media for educational purposes. This listicle equips you with ten effective ways to harness the power of social platforms to enhance your teaching practice.

1. Join Education-focused Groups and Communities

Social networks are a vast forest where grouping together makes for a smarter, more engaging experience. Educational groups and communities within platforms like Facebook, Slack, and LinkedIn can provide you with a supportive environment to share, learn, network, and find resources.

Benefits of Online Communities

  • Immediate access to a pool of knowledge and experiences

  • Space for collaboration and problem-solving

  • Opportunities to expand your professional network

Examples of Popular Education Communities

  • Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT)

  • This online marketplace and platform is not only a resource for finding educational materials; it's also a community where educators interact, collaborate, and share ideas.

  • #EdChat on Twitter

  • A strong, global community of educators who come together each week to discuss important topics in education.

Joining these communities is like adding a team to your teaching arsenal – a team that's always engaged, always ready to help, and always looking to improve the education experience.

2. Follow Education Influencers and Thought Leaders

In a landscape characterized by its vastness, thought leaders act as guiding stars in the sky, leading you to the most meaningful educational content.

Importance of Following Influential Educators

  • You'll keep abreast of cutting-edge educational methods and theories.

  • Influencers often catalyze conversations and actions in the education arena, being among the first to introduce or discuss new trends and policies.

Recommendations for Popular Educators to Follow

  • Sir Ken Robinson

  • Renowned for his advocacy of creativity in the classroom and changing paradigms in education.

  • George Couros

  • An expert on innovative teaching, learning, and technology practices.

Following thought leaders not only opens your mind to fresh ideas but also connects you to movements that seek to reshape the way we educate the next generation.

3. Participate in Twitter Chats and Hashtag Discussions

Twitter is a beehive of activity, with its chats and hashtags acting as the honeycomb – structured but buzzing with lively conversation.

Exploring Twitter Chats and Hashtags

  • Twitter chats are scheduled live discussions on Twitter that provide opportunities for real-time learning and networking.

  • Hashtags aggregate tweets under the same topic, providing a search-friendly way to follow current discussions and trends.

Popular Education-related Twitter Chats and Hashtags

  • #EdChat

  • A general education discussion taking place on various days throughout the week.

  • #ELAChat

  • Focused on the topics of English Language Arts and Literacy.

Participating in these chats not only introduces you to a wider educational dialogue but also connects you with educators who are addressing issues you face in your own practice.

4. Utilize Pinterest for Classroom Ideas and Resources

Pinterest is the fertile ground where images and ideas are the seeds that grow into the colorful garden of classroom resources.

Benefits of Using Pinterest for Teachers

  • Its visual format aids quick inspiration and reference.

  • You can curate personal 'boards' for different subjects and topics, keeping resources organized and easy to find.

Tips for Finding and Saving Classroom Ideas and Resources on Pinterest

  • Use specific search terms and filters to find resources tailored to your needs.

  • Regularly update and maintain your boards for a current and organized library of educational ideas.

By utilizing Pinterest, you turn your teaching resources into a personalized, evergreen pinboard that constantly inspires and supports your classroom endeavors.

5. Engage with Educational Blogs and Podcasts

Blogs and podcasts are the silent partners in your teaching journey, whispering insights and strategies into your ears that can sometimes prove to be the loudest resources in the room.

Importance of Staying Current with Educational Content

  • You stay updated on the latest research and trends in education.

  • Reading blogs and listening to podcasts can energize and encourage you by offering a sense of community and shared experiences.

Recommendations for Popular Educational Blogs and Podcasts

  • The Cult of Pedagogy

  • A blog and podcast by Jennifer Gonzalez, focusing on modern teaching practices.

  • Educational Leadership from ASCD

  • A thoughtful blog on the latest trends in educational leadership and professional development.

Engaging with educational blogs and podcasts is a rich investment in your professional growth, offering a multi-dimensional view of contemporary pedagogy.

6. Connect with Other Educators Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn acts as a grand enclave of professionals, where educators can assemble to share knowledge, advance in their careers, and create meaningful alliances.

Advantages of Networking with Other Educators on LinkedIn

  • You can find and share professional development opportunities and resources.

  • Industry leaders and experts maintain a strong presence on the platform, providing you with direct access to their insights and knowledge.

Tips for Building a Professional Network on LinkedIn

  • Be active in educational groups and discussions to enhance your visibility and value in the community.

  • Personalize your connection requests to establish a genuine network of professional peers.

LinkedIn is like a staff room for the 21st century educator, where new connections can lead to partnerships, mentorships, and a wealth of shared knowledge.

7. Join Facebook Groups for Teachers

Facebook groups for teachers are the modern equivalent of the school staff room, bustling with professional chat and resource sharing.

Benefits of Joining Teacher-focused Facebook Groups

  • Access a wide array of teacher experiences and advice, which can often be more personalized to your context than general articles or blogs.

  • Regularly updated resources, activities, and news mean you're always in-the-know and well-supplied.

Examples of Popular Facebook Groups for Teachers

  • Teachers of Tomorrow

  • Focused on supporting the teaching community with resources, advice, and discussions about the future of education.

  • Virtual Learning - Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, Zoom, and More

  • A group dedicated to helping teachers navigate the virtual education landscape.

Join these groups to turn the virtual space of your social media account into a real-time resource center staffed by your peers.

8. Use Instagram for Visual Inspiration and Classroom Management

Instagram is the art gallery of the education world, showcasing the visual wonders and innovations of teaching.

Ways to Use Instagram for Finding Visual Inspiration for Teaching

  • Follow educational accounts that focus on classroom setup, students' work, and lesson ideas.

  • Use Instagram Stories and highlights to organize teaching tips, resources, and highlights from your own teaching journey.

Tips for Using Instagram for Classroom Management

  • Share successes and challenges with your followers to foster an interactive learning environment.

  • Incorporate popular educational hashtags to increase the visibility and reach of your classroom management ideas.

By using Instagram, you turn your classroom tasks into visually engaging stories that not only document your journey but also invite others to learn from and contribute to the educational narrative.

9. Stay Ahead with the Latest Educational Videos on YouTube

YouTube is the academy of the 21st century, where myriad educational channels offer seminars, lessons, and insights at the click of a play button.

Benefits of Watching Educational Content on YouTube

  • Video is often a more engaging and memorable medium for students and teachers alike.

  • Topic explainer videos or demos can be particularly useful for professional development and lesson planning.

Examples of Educational YouTube Channels

  • TED-Ed

  • A platform with a diverse range of educational videos that can stimulate new perspectives and ideas.

  • Crash Course

  • Provides superb overviews of complex subjects, ideal for both teacher education and student understanding.

Engaging with educational YouTube content is like adding a digital library into the annals of your classroom space, with each video serving as a living, breathing tome of knowledge waiting to be opened and explored.

10. Create and Share Your Educational Story on TikTok

TikTok is the global classroom where educators can showcase their work, explore innovative ideas, and create an educational ripple that transcends borders.

The Impact of Sharing on TikTok

  • Increase the visibility of creative teaching and engage with students in a medium they are comfortable with.

  • Teachers can showcase quick, engaging snippets of educational content that are sharable and can even go viral.

Tips for Creating Educational Content on TikTok

  • Keep it short, sweet, and to the point while still providing value and insight.

  • Use trending formats to add an entertaining twist to your educational narrative.

Starting a TikTok account could be the beginning of a new, innovative chapter in your teaching practice. And as with all things in education, it's not just about what you learn or create; it's also about the stories you share with your community.


Embracing social media as a tool for educational enhancement can be a formidable leap out of the traditional teaching box. But in doing so, you open the door to a world of possibilities that can enrich your teaching practice and inspire your students. It's about connecting, collaborating, and continuously learning – the very essence of what education is all about.

Additional Resources


  1. How Teachers Can Use Twitter for Professional Development: Learn how to connect with educators globally, share ideas, and access resources on this fast-paced platform.

  2. 5 Ways Instagram Can Supercharge Your Teaching Practice: Discover tips for building classroom communities, sharing student work, and finding inspiration for creative lessons through Instagram.

  3. TeacherTube: A YouTube Alternative for Educators: Explore this safe and curated video platform specifically designed for teachers, filled with lesson ideas, professional development sessions, and classroom inspiration.

Blog Posts

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Using Social Media for Teachers: This comprehensive guide covers everything from choosing the right platforms to creating engaging content and maintaining professionalism.

  2. Building Your PLN: Essential Social Media Communities for Educators: Discover inspiring hashtags, follow key educational influencers, and join valuable online communities to expand your professional network.

  3. From Hashtags to Hacks: 10 Creative Ways Teachers Can Use TikTok: Learn how to leverage the power of short-form videos to share teaching tips, showcase student work, and connect with a wider audience on TikTok.

Web Tools/Resources

  1. Edmodo: Create your own secure online learning community where you can share resources, hold discussions, and collaborate with other educators.

  2. Flipboard: Curate educational content from various sources like blogs, news articles, and social media into personalized online magazines for yourself or to share with students.

  3. Nearpod: Add interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and collaborative activities to your presentations and video lessons, making them more engaging for both you and your students.

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